Laura Abrams


CalRE #01272382
5 Moraga Way
Orinda, CA 94563
Direct: 510.697.3225


Integrity and Expertise


Sales Associate/ International Presidents Circle Award
Coldwell Banker, Orinda CA

Offering 25 years of experience in representing buyers and sellers in the East Bay Area in residential real estate, specializing in Orinda properties. I approach real estate in the same manner in which I served as an elected official for the citizens of Orinda for 12 years, with the highest level of integrity and service.

1994-2006 City Councilmember
1999 Mayor City of Orinda
2003 Mayor City of Orinda

I served 12 years as an elected member of the Orinda City Council. The council sets policy and serves as the primary decision making body for this community of 17,000 residents with an annual operating and capital improvement budget of 11 million.

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